Copious Blog Reading Pays Off (Weirdly)

So, about five years ago, I was grading papers for a freshman comp class I was teaching.  And I was sick of it.  Randomly, I turned on my computer and googled “I hate grading papers.”  In this way, I found the blog of a grad student who was also teaching freshman comp.  I followed the blog for a while, until he graduated and got a job and I got a different job and trimmed my blog list.

At the beginning of this year, my sister got a job at the same institution he got a job at, so I sent her a link to the blog, thinking he might have some insights on housing, culture, etc.  Indeed, he hooked her up with a great real estate agent who helped her find her current digs.  And now, they have been out on two dates and plan to go out again.

Who knows where this will lead, but I find it completely hilarious that my random Google search FIVE YEARS AGO led to my sister’s date this evening.

What bizarre connections have you made in blogland?

[Note: this was five years ago.  Google rankings have changed, people.  You won’t see the same blogs I saw if you repeat this experiment.]

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